B.Yoga moving to the 4th Floor of our current location. Support Us!

B.YOGA: A growing cOMmunity

Dear B.Yoga Family,

The time has come… will you grow a new cOMmunity with us?

We are ready to lovingly ask for your support.

Let’s start with a quick reminder: the B.Yoga studio will move to the full 4th Floor within our current building to create a new and improved studio experience for all of us (remember all the great features? If not, you can find them here). This also marks the start of our Crowdfunding campaign in support of this move and expansion.


Are you already ready to fund our campaign?

For many of us B.Yoga has been a place to feel at home. And the last few years our community has really grown into something quite special. We have a deeply committed and involved teaching staff as well as office and front desk support, a robust class and workshop schedule (in fact, we offer more classes per day and per week than any other studio in Basel!), and there is YOU – a member or our beautiful and dedicated family of students.

Will you support us in this big step? Click here to find our campaign page.

We have a bunch of great rewards (scroll down to see) for giving that you should check out. Please note that all of the rewards are transferable so you can make a gift to B.Yoga while also giving a gift - to your friend, family member, colleague, etc. - at the same time. You can scroll down to see a few of our favorite offers!

Do you want to do more than back our campaign? Here are a few other ways you can help:

  • Start some social media noise. Share our Facebook posts over the next weeks.
  • Forward our Crowdfunding email to your yoga-loving (or not) friends, family, colleagues and anyone else who might help us reach our goal.
  • You can email us if you are interested in supporting our move in a physical way – yes, you can show up to move boxes and clean with us!

Thank you for your encouragement. We look forward to joining you for class in our new space soon. Meanwhile, drop by the studio to enjoy our final weeks on the 5th floor.

With Gratitude,
B.Yoga Teachers & Staff