RETROFUTURIST YOGA: A Yoga Audio class with Daniela Fuentes + Class Asanagraph Guide (90min)

RETROFUTURIST YOGA: A Yoga Audio class with Daniela Fuentes + Class Asanagraph Guide (90min)
Includes download of a Yoga Audio Class File & the Asanagraph Guide in PDF and PNG formats.
You can replay the files as many times as you like.
The following class was recorded on a Thursday morning of May 2017. I didn’t have plans to release this audio to a broader public, therefore it keeps its live recording crispness. The positive aspect of this quality, is that you can hear the sounds we use to listen at the B.Yoga studio at the Basel Marktplatz. The first time I practiced to it, my mind got transported to the atmosphere of the studio and it triggered my memories.
Additionally, I have designed a Yoga Class Asanagraph Guide. Print the guide, skim through it and place it close to your mat before playing the audio.
Connect with a yoga studio retrospective experience, the different phases of evolution your yoga practice and life have undergone since then. Meanwhile, establish a perspective into the future after the current global health crisis.
Will you value and treasure all small details of your life in the same way after this collective quarantine?
How have this experience reshaped your priorities and identity?
Have your discovered other parts of yourself buried under the stresses and demands of our western hyper speed and tech oriented lifestyle?
I hope you enjoy this class. Feel free to send me your feedback and comments.
Made with love by Daniela Fuentes
We ask you to not share these files with others, but indicate them where to buy them.
In this way, we all contribute to keep the studio existing.
Thank you! <3