Intensive Weekend of Workshops
with David Regelin (NYC)
25. - 27. November 2022
Join us for a weekend of three workshops with renowned and favourite NYC Yoga Teacher David Regelin.
FRI 25. November 2022 - 18:00-21:00 - ALIGNMENT & INTEGRATION
There are numerous ways to align any given posture according to one’s specific needs and goals. This class will offer multiple approaches to how one might organize their postures, to reorganize the body of it feels misaligned, create a stimulus if one feels stagnant, or supportive if one feels the need for restoration.
SA 26. November 2022 - 14:00-17:00 - UPPER BODY STRENGTH & INVERSIONS
Explore a variety of upper body strength and mobility exercises that one might include as part of their inversion/arm balance practice or in and of themselves, and see how they translate into more strength, less fragility, and more satisfaction with one’s overall progress in practice, and their sense of vitality!
SU 27. November 2022 - 14:00-17:00 - LOWER BODY STRENGTH & MOBILITY
Explore lower body weight exercises that improve balance, mobility, and strength in the lower body, that builds a sense of functional (practical) strength and resiliency.
About David Regelin
David is a traveling yoga teacher based in New York City. Sought after for his workshops and teacher's intensives, his unique talent for simple yet precise articulation of form and technique, echo in the bodies and minds of his students.
As a young teacher, David was at the forefront of what became a popular trend of choreographed vinyasa classes to the sound of live music. He created the "Multi-Intenso" experience, a class that garnered a cult following in New York City. "Multi-Intenso" is a technique based, athletic and dynamic style of yoga centered around handstands. Over time, David's reflective nature and incessant personal investigation into the potential transformative powers that a yoga practice can give, has led him to a more comprehensive approach to how physical form relates to psychological and emotional states. Inclined toward the mystical and timeless, greatly influenced by intensive study with Nevine Michaan, David's practice and teaching has evolved into a more refined adaptation of how an asana (postural) practice can instigate profound mind-body awareness.
Early Bird 239.- (available until October 15th 2022)
Regular 275.-
Reduced 239.-
Register online or at the B.Yoga front desk.